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Survival 1.21 Announcement
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
13 Jan 2025

Survival 1.21 Announcement


Ok guys, so here's a big drop for you - We're practically ready for 1.21, but I wanted to let you all know where things exactly stand with things.


We will lose some features, but nothing game-breaking.


Features that will be lost:

-lasso (allowed for pandas to be leashed)

-duel (players can still pvp in the wild)

-auctionhouse (We have a solution for this)


Let's address the auctionhouse/shop situation first.

Chest shops work fine in 1.21, however auctionhouse does not - HOWEVER there is an alternative plugin called Global Market Plus that acts as auction house with more benefits.  Not only will it let you list items for sale, it can create you a shop, accessible from anywhere so people can directly view your items.  In addition to creating your own gui accessible shop, it allows for TRUE AUCTIONS of items.  This plugin alone easily replaces auctionhouse AND can replace chestshops as well, making the current shops basically obsolete.


Now, we COULD keep the current chestshops, but honestly, I don't see them being used once everyone gets the hang of GMP.


duel - This is no big deal really.  We can open the arenas for outside entry and they can serve as areas to specifically pvp in, though just not via plugin. Just a meet up brawl.  This isn't really game-breaking and I don't see this as too big an issue.


lasso - RIP - I am sure there are other methods to get this feature back in the future, it's not a HUGE loss, IMO.


This being said there are a few 'bugs' to note, which should be resolved in time:


Known issues - -/phead gives you a stock head, but once you place and break, or toss it, it becomes the correct head.


So, what remains to be done?


The plugin we use for the NPCs isn't supported, however we have another plugin that IS. It will require us to remake the NPCs (totally doable)


Crate items (custom ones) will have to be renamed and replaced in the crates (again, totally doable)


What is the TLDR?


Expect an update announcement very soon.  Survival is going 1.21!! (edited)

Staff · 6 months ago