We need to share some updates regarding our hosting situation. Currently, we use two hosts: one for our proxy (the address you connect to) and one for the game servers. Our server host has been fantastic, consistently checking in and keeping things running smoothly. However, our proxy host has been unresponsive and slow to address issues. As a result, we’ve decided to migrate our proxy to the new host as well.
What Does This Mean?
You’ll need to update your connection address to NGA. Both the current and new addresses will work for about 3 weeks, but we recommend switching as soon as possible. The new IP is There’s no need to add a port number—just enter the IP.
Will This Affect Anything?
No changes will be made to the servers or your gameplay experience. The new host will simply handle the connection between servers.
Why the Change?
Our current proxy host has failed to respond to support tickets and hasn't kept up with updates. In contrast, LiteByte, our new host, has provided excellent service. Moving everything to one provider will improve communication and make managing the server much easier.
We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience. Both proxies will work for the next 3 weeks to give everyone time to switch. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to the staff.
Survival has been rebooted and creative as well. The hardware issues have been resolved and the host has taken measures to ensure downtown such as this does not occur again.
We understand that streaks were broken during this down time so this evening I'll be discussing with the upper management on the best way we can go about reimbursing for the issue.
Also, please don't forget that we have the ongoing player drive until the end of this month. School is now well underway and the best advertising has been word of mouth. Tell your friend, drop a note with our IP address. Tell your friends how awesome the server is and all the perks.
Hi everyone. Unfortunately, do to hardware issues at the data center used by our host, our Survival is currently inactive. We expect this issue to resolve within the next 24 hours.
Vanilla gamemode is still active during this time, as are all lobby games.
Playtime rewards - Due to some not receiving awards due to having a full inventory, heads will no longer be given through playtime rewards. Instead, rewards will come in the form of achievement keys, vote points, claim blocks and cold hard cash.
Daily playtime rewards will earn a player $1,000 for every hour online, increasing each hour. (1 hour nets $1,000 reward - 2 hours will net $2,000 - 3 hours will net $3,000 - and so on)
Daily login rewards will award additional votepoints for each day logged in, increasing each day. (Day 1 gets you 1 extra vote point, Day 2 will get you 2, Day 3 will get you 3 and so on)
Global playtime rewards will net an achievement key and 1000 claim blocks every 6 hours of cumulative gametime.
Mob heads - To help balance the lack of head rewards, the chances of mob drop has increased. Certain weapons will increase the drop rate even more. The following methods are ranked from highest chance of a head drop to the lowest. The multipliers are listed with the item. Any item not listed will have a base 1x multiplier.
AIR: 3
Daily Quest NPCs - You may have noticed some more NPCs around spawn. These will offer repeatable daily quests. Some (like the gourd prince) will be seasonal. These will have an icon hovering above their head when the quest can be redone (24 hour timer). More will be popping up over time.
In the works - We've added a new forum, "In the works" to show what we are working on, so we can get your input. These exist apart from the player suggestions, but we want your input! This forum also serves as a "heads up" on what is to come.
Less pings - I want to thank everyone that has submitted anonymous feedback (announcements), letting us know how we can improve. Among some of the feedback was a mention of the amount of announcement pings. We will strive to do a weekly update announcement instead of an "as it comes" approach. This may not ALWAYS be possible, depending on the circumstance, but, we hear you!
Maparts - I apologize it has taken so long to address this issue. Each time someone is tasked with replacement, it seems a real-life situation comes up. We haven't forgotten about these. Rest assured it is still on our list!