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Survival is Back!
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Survival has been rebooted and creative as well. The hardware issues have been resolved and the host has taken measures to ensure downtown such as this does not occur again. 


We understand that streaks were broken during this down time so this evening I'll be discussing with the upper management on the best way we can go about reimbursing for the issue.


Also, please don't forget that we have the ongoing player drive until the end of this month. School is now well underway and the best advertising has been word of mouth.  Tell your friend, drop a note with our IP address.  Tell your friends how awesome the server is and all the perks. 


We are also taking anonymous feedback which I'm sure many have.


May the odds be ever in your favor (edited)


Staff · 9 days ago · Last edited: 9 days ago