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Dynamic Maps
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Dynamic Maps are now a thing.  Check our website at for the link to view.

Two new commands are given to players:

/dynmap show will show you on the map

/dynmap hide will hide you from being seen on the map

(Default is show, so if you want to stay hidden from the world, make sure you set yourself hidden)

The maps are undergoing a full render. More will become visible as time goes on.  To select which world you want to view, just move your mouse to the right side of the screen to pop out the side menu.

Dynamic Maps was a beta feature we had to remove due to limitations imposed by our previous host. Thankfully, our new host gives us the freedom to use our space how we choose to. (Shoutout to LiteByte)

Staff · 13 days ago