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/playtime top
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

You guys may or may not have heard me tease about a "Skeleton Key." The skeleton key grants access to any past seasonal cosmetic crate.  This key is the one chance to take that extra roll from crates past and will only be available during certain times of the year. We are announcing the FIRST SKELETON KEY EVENT now.


This contest will start NOW.*  At the end of the year, Wednesday, January 1, 2025


The TOP 10 players on /playtime top In NGA Survival will win one of these keys.  The key can be held onto or immediately used to open any past crate from the vault. We will also be increasing the pre-planned rotation frequency of these crates from every 3 months to every 2 months. This will give plenty of immediate options and even more as time goes on.


Let's see who our top 10 will be!

Staff · 3 months ago