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Shop Keeper Contest - closed
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Edited - competition closed


Shop Keeper Contest!

With shops in development its time to see the shop region become beautiful! Build up your shop and be in to win some incredible prizes!



  •  Has to be a shop region in /warp Playershops
  •  Needs to actually sell stuff


You will be judged on theme, items sold, and general look with the surroundings



  •   First Place: A custom one of a kind shovel!, 2 Uber keys + 100k + 1 Dark Auction Key + Spawn Egg NPC
  •   Second Place: 2 Uber Keys + 100k + 1 Dark Auction Key
  •   Third Place: 1 Uber key + 100k + 1 Dark Auction Key


Additionally your shop will feature as a NPC structure somewhere in the /warp playershops world!! So if you forget to pay rent, your build will forever remain somewhere in that world. 

Event Ends Saturday, May 4, 2024 6:00 PM


Alright everyone! It is time to announce the winners of the shop contest!  This was an extremely tough one to judge, there were so many wonderful shops!


And the winners are:

  • First place: @VenusiraptorCongrats!
  • Second place: @MHHC !
  • Third place: @RORYYYY !


Again, this was a VERY hard competition to judge. Each contestant showed extreme talent and made marvelous builds!

Staff · 3 months ago · Last edited: 2 months ago