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Logo Contest - closed
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Edited - Competition closed

Logo contest!  Winner will receive 10 Cosmetic Decor keys from the furniture crate.


  • We need a new logo.  We are reaching out to you guys to see what you come up with. 
  • This contest will be open until the end of April.
  • Post your submission in ⁠unknown 
  • Most THUMBS UPs by May 1 will determine the winner (as long as all guidelines are met)


  • Bear and Xander must be in the image
  • Must use NGA colors
  • Must be in the theme of ancient Rome or Greece 
  • Image size should be around 1000x1000 px
  • Image must be in a PNG format


The image can not be done with copyright resources. We want to be able to proudly display this on our new WEBPAGE, thanks to our new Webmaster, @Lughaidh.

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!


We have a winner for the site logo contest!


Congrats to NotBreaded for this awesome logo! 

Staff · 3 months ago · Last edited: 3 months ago