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Parkor Event - closed
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Event closed - And the winner is Uplink!


With the release of the parkour in the lobby its time for a little challenge. Complete the parkour in a fast enough time and hit the top 5 for a reward on the survival server!


  • First place: Armory Crate item rename + 3 Arcanist keys
  • Second place: 3 Arcanist Keys
  • Third place: 2 Arcanist Key 
  • Fourth place: 1 Arcanist Key
  • Fifth place: 1 Arcanist Key


Happy Parkouring folks!

This event will end on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 10:45 PM

Staff · 3 months ago · Last edited: about 1 month ago