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Rural Dream build - closed
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Edited - Competition closed

Sometimes one just wants to get away from it all and enjoy simplicity.  Let's see what rural builds you all can come up with.  For this competition, we are not looking for gimmicks or redstone, rather we want to see how you can work WITH the land to create a cozy getaway.

Competition ends June 20.


And the winner is. @RORYYYY !

Rory will receive a custom set of tools, $500k and 3 Uber Crate Keys!



For the Rural Dream competition the winner will receive:

  • $500k
  • 3 Uber keys
  • A custom set of tools with lore (Axe, Hoe, Shovel, Pickaxe)
Staff · 3 months ago · Last edited: 3 months ago