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"The Ode Of The Island" lore writing - closed
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Edited - Competition closed


This event will be a writing event, If you choose to partake you will have to write a 150-700 word Lore piece based on the spawn island. As people were and still are interested in lore from the beginning of the server we would like to include this more in our server and so those who partake have the chance to become “The Lore master '' of the server being immortalized in the library.


The winner’s rewards will be as followed

  • An NPC in the server library is labeled as the lore master as stated above with the book being the official lore of the island .
  • A special Item Called “Writer’s block”
  • A 150k In Game currency
  • 1 uber crate key.



  • 150-700 words (a minimum of 150 word and a max of 1200)
  • Must be sent Mellie in either a Doc or A message (DM) on discord so i can check it amounts to the word count
  • Must be your own, no plagiarizing. If you are submitting for someone else state who you are submitting for
  • any reference to the island must be true to its theme
  • One submission per person

Contest starts May 15 2024  & ends on May 30th 2024 - extended until  Saturday 1 June, 2024


Congratulations @Sean good man for winning The Ode Of The Island writing competition! 

All the stories were amazing but his stood out the most.  His entry can be located in #⁠writers-club in Discord.

Staff · 3 months ago · Last edited: 3 months ago