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Mapart contest - closed
Started by Staff

21 Apr 2024
Last Seen
15 Sep 2024

Edited - Completion closed


Nature Mapart Contest! And its NGA's First Mapart event! You Can make any thing Nature Flowers, Landscapes, Wildlife, Trees You name it! 



  •   Has To be A 1x1 map
  •   First block has to be placed day of the event 
  •   If You do it with another person Prizes will be split


  •    First Place: Dark World Wings, 4 Dark World keys + 300k and their Skin as The webstore NPC at spawn
  •    Second Place: 3 Dark World Keys + 300k
  •    Third Place 2 Dark World Keys + 200k

 Winners Will get their Map on the Community Mapart board in Community Town!

Contest Will End: May 25, 2024 


Congrats to our winners of The Nature Mapart Event!

  •  1st - @MHHC
  •  2nd - @RORYYYY
  •  3rd - @hernrob 
Staff · 3 months ago · Last edited: 3 months ago